Monday, March 27, 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 13

Another fairly last minute meal plan as I've been busy with work as usual and also making loads of cakes (well, four) in the space of two weeks! I was away at the weekend for Mother's Day so had to pack everything I would normally do into half the time. So I haven't spent a lot of time pouring over recipe books for this week's meal plan! Monday Lunch - sandwich as I will be back too late on Sunday to prepare anything Dinner - leftover fish pie and cottage pie Tuesday Working from home Lunch - macaroni cheese on toast Dinner - chicken enchiladas...

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Strawberry and White Chocolate Unicorn Cake with a Surprise Inside

Scrolling through the messages on my Blackberry on a day off, I spotted a message about a bake sale at work for Comic Relief the following week. I always bake cakes when there is a charity bake sale and occasionally there has been a competitive element. I won the work bake-off two years ago with this floating malteser cake: The following year I made this 'surprise inside' Mini Egg ombre piñata cake, but was out done by one of the other entrants...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Puff Pastry Cheese, Bacon and Spring Onion Tart

This is an easy meal idea that is great for an informal dinner with friends, as it can be assembled before your guests arrive and then can go in the oven 20 minutes before you want to eat. You can play around with the toppings as well to use whatever you fancy - it's a good way of using up odds and ends in the fridge as well. Simply take a piece of ready-made puff pastry - around 200g per person should be plenty, and I made each person their...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 12

It's Mothers' Day this weekend so I will be making my first cake in a while! Monday Lunch - was meant to be out with a friend but it got cancelled on Sunday night so I will make a sandwich (I wasn't eating bread otherwise!) Dinner - chicken chargrill for him, lamb grillsteak for me Tuesday - working from home Lunch - tuna pasta bake using packet mix Dinner - slow cooked chicken enchiladas Wednesday Lunch- leftover tuna bake Dinner - my husband is out so I will have chicken miso stir-fry with cauliflower rice from this recipe Thursday Lunch-...

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Congratulations Baby Girl Card

A friend of mine was getting close to her due date and I realised I had a new baby card suitable for a boy but didn't have one for a girl. I didn't want to buy one, but I also didn't have a lot of time to make one. I still had a box of pre-printed card blanks, if that's not a contradiction in terms - these are cards with different patterns but no pictures or wording that you can add a few embellishments to and personalise how you like. I used...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Restaurant review: Pitt Cue, London

If you've heard about the amazing ribs they serve at Pitt Cue - smoky barbecue ribs sitting alongside pulled pork burgers, served on a tin tray with a stack of napkins - then you're in the wrong place. Pitt Cue is an upmarket restaurant in Spitalfields that is a far cry from the original food truck, which unfortunately I didn't realise when I decided to go there! I was meeting a friend for lunch in the area and unusually for me, hadn't spent any...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Soup

I just wanted to quickly share this recipe with you as I've been making a lot of soups for lunch lately and this one is really good. It's a Betty Crocker recipe which you can find here; one of the things I like about it is that you put everything into the slow cooker and don't even need to stir. It has quite a few ingredients (I left out the mushrooms as I don't like them) so you do have to do a little bit of prep; you also need to sear the chicken...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 11

Finally this week things should be getting back to normal...I've finished my coursework (hooray!) and had booked a day off on Friday but might cancel it now I don't need it for coursework - depending on how busy I am at work. I've certainly got plenty of other things to be getting on with at home! Monday Lunch: chicken salad Dinner: fishcake with poached egg for me, gammon with fried egg for him Tuesday- working from home Lunch: jacket potato Dinner: sausage, mash and cauliflower cheese Wednesday: Lunch: salmon salad Dinner: chicken parmo, similar...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Slow Cooker Butterscotch Pudding

I use my slow cooker quite a lot but never really for desserts. I have a book called The Slow Cooker and it has a section at the back on cakes and desserts and decided a little while ago to try a butterscotch pudding. It's not very healthy - full of sugar and cream - but as an occasional treat I think it would be OK! I reduced the quantities to serve two, and definitely wouldn't have been able to get six ramekins into my slow cooker at the same...

Friday, March 10, 2017

Slimming World Coronation Chicken Jacket Potato

One of my favourite lunches for when I am at home is a jacket potato. I hardly ever do them at weekends, because I just don't get out of bed organised in time, plus my husband isn't that keen on them, but often do one if I have a day off or am working from home. They are ideal for "wfh" lunches as you can put the potato in the oven, come back to it an hour later and just slater some butter onto it, grate over some cheese and you're done. Of course,...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Red Velvet Cheesecake for Valentine's Day

I spent my first Valentine's Day with my husband at his mother's house - our boiler had broken down and luckily we were able to move in with her for a week. It did mean that my planned Valentine's dinner got postponed to some extent - I had wanted to make a nice dessert but didn't really want to make a mess of her kitchen! So I waited until the following weekend when we were back in our house where I could make as much mess as I wanted, and...