Thursday, June 24, 2021

5th Anniversary Wooden Log Celebration Cake

The theme for a fifth wedding anniversary is wood so when my husband and I were celebrating that particular milestone recently I decided to make a cake based on the theme. There are a lot of ways you could interpret ‘wood’ - after all a lot of different things are made of wood - but to me the obvious choice was a woodland theme and a wooden tree stump! This cake has vertical layers running through it which makes it a bit different - because it’s...

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Chicken Feet Curry, Lutong Pinoy

Chicken Feet Curry, Lutong PinoyMost Pinoy will most likely shun away from the very aromatic and spicy standard curry dish.The Pinoy have however develop a version of chicken curry is far milder and very minimal aromatic ingredients.At times the curry ingredients are so minimal that a curry lover foreigner will not even categorize the Pinoy curry as a real curry dish.Never the less the Pinoy Sourc...

Friday, June 4, 2021

Easy chicken and lemon all-in-one tray bake


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sweet and Sour Maling, Pinoy Lunch

Sweet and Sour Maling, Pinoy LunchSweet and sour is a special dish to most Pinoy.Maling, is the most popular budget canned meat loaf to most Pinoy.Overseas Pinoy Cooking share this innovative Maling meat loaf dish that is affordable, and easy to prepare with simple ingredients that are readily available at your neighborhood Sari-Sari Store or Pinoy and Asian store if you are overseas.Try also Sourc...